Across the globe there are over 4,500 different species of cockroaches and only about 30 of them are considered pests to humans. With so many different types of roaches, few can claim they have never crossed paths with these grotesque insects. There are six commonly found species of cockroaches in Southern California, and German cockroaches are one of them. At this time, we at Animal Pest Management would like to take the opportunity to relate some of the fundamentals of German Cockroaches with you today.
German Cockroach Identification
Cockroaches in general look the same to most people, but where they all have similar physical characteristics, diets, and habits, each species have their differences as well. German cockroaches range from tan to light brown in color and carry 2 distinctive nearly parallel stripes across their backs that begin behind their heads. Their oval-shaped bodies have 6 legs and antennae that extend out in their length averages ½ inches – 5/8 inches. Though they do have wings, German roaches do not fly.
German Cockroach Infestations
German cockroaches are not only the most common to Californian locals, but they are actually the most common species of cockroach to terrorize the people of the United States. They quickly infest homes and businesses, needing only a gap 3/8” wide to slip through and reproduce rapidly. For example, one female alone can produce six generations within one year. Not only will these roaches infiltrate structures any way they can, but they are also known to be carried in unbeknownst to the occupant when they stow away in cartons, cardboard boxes, grocery bags, and even second hand appliances.
German Cockroach Diet & Habitat
Being omnivorous, German cockroaches will eat nearly anything that they come across. They have been known to consume glue, soap, toothpaste, decaying matter, garbage, human food, pet food, and anything else they can find. Like any pest that barges into your palace, they are in need of food and water and will look for a convenient food and water source along with favorable climate conditions. German cockroaches prefer warm, humid areas, which makes bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry room prime locations. Like most cockroaches, German cockroaches are nocturnal and prefer dark places to hunker down during the day.
Health Problems & Damage Caused By Cockroaches
German cockroaches are not only creepy and can startle you when you flicker the lights on and they dart into the shadows, but they can damage property with their feeding and nesting habits as well as be a health risk. These roaches can trigger respiratory problems, particularly asthma and allergies. German cockroaches, according to documented research, especially impact allergy and asthma symptoms in children. In addition to for inducing asthma and allergy attacks, German cockroaches are reported to being linked to at least seven human pathogens, six species of parasitic worms, and at least 33 different strands of bacteria. Because of their disregard for their surrounding environments and willingness to dwell in such places like sewers, trash heaps, and even on decaying matter, they pick up the different contaminates on the spines that shoot out from their legs and bodies and as they travel on the surfaces of your home where food is prepared, or the food itself, they then leave traces of these contaminants behind.
Cockroach Inspections, Control & Removal in San Bernardino, Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside & San Diego Counties, California
To avoid these health risks as well as the damage they cause, call in the experts of Animal Pest Management today at first sight of these nasty cockroaches and we will ensure any infestation is completely removed from your home.