There are a number of bat species that inhabit the state of California. It comes as no surprise then to find bats collecting in attics, sheds or in trees. Most people believe bats like caves as many bats will gather during the day inside caves. However, they are not opposed to hiding in attics, sheds and even trees. Where bats help play a vital role in controlling local insect populations and helping agricultural farms, they can pose a bit of a problem for homeowners. Bat droppings contain a number of parasites and diseases which are better kept away from human residences. Animal Pest Management Services, Inc will share the different species of bats that have been seen invading homes and residential properties.
Big Brown Bat
The big brown bat is one of our large local species of bat, with a body length reaching up to five inches in length and with a wingspan of 14 inches. The big brown bat can be found all across the United States, in Canada and South America. The big brown bat will roost in hollow trees, caves and human structures. They mainly feed on flying insects but will grip on the side of walls or trees and even go on the ground to lick up ants. They do help reduce beetles, wasps, and the moth population. Bats will hibernate during winter and are most actives during spring, summer and fall.
California Myotis
The California Myotis is a small species that reaches about 3 3/8 inches long in the body and have a wingspan up to 9 inches long. This species of bat is easily identified with their golden brown super fuzzy fur. They have bigger ears and a dark brown mussel and face. The California Myotis prefers rocking inside canyons but also adapt to crawling inside desert shrubs during the day. The California Myotis comes out during early evening hours to feed on flies and moths. The California Myotis is only found along the North Western region of America.
Mexican Free-Tailed Bat
The Mexican Free-Tailed Bat is slightly larger than the California Myotis, reaching a body length of 4 3/8 long and wingspan of 12 ½ inches long. The Mexican Free-Tailed Bat has almost canine-like facial features and have a hairless tail. The Mexican Free-Tailed Bat is found through southern regions of America and in Mexico. The Mexican Free-Tailed Bat has an appetite and feeds on a number of insects and gather in large groups when they feed.
Pallid Bat
The Pallid bat is a light tan color with oversized ears. They can reach up to 5 1/8 inches long and has a wingspan of 15 ½ inches long. The Pallid bat is found on the west cost of America and in Canada and Mexico. They like to roost in caves and in mine shafts but will also roost under bridges in buildings. The Pallid bats are great for scorpion control as they are immune to their venom and can swoop down in midflight to grab a scorpion on the ground.
Bat Control Services in San Bernardino, Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside & San Diego Counties, California
Bats do help control a number of insects and other bugs such as spiders and scorpions. However, they often will roost inside sheds or in homes or accidentally fly inside buildings. When your home has just one or a whole colony of bats, contact Animal Pest Management Services, Inc today.