If you’ve ever had the experience of looking out your window and seeing a coyote, you’re not the only one. You may not even realize it is a coyote, as you will likely be in disbelief that a wild animal could be making itself comfortable in your backyard. But the truth is that coyotes make themselves at home throughout the entire state of California, so seeing one is not an anomaly.
What Does a Coyote Look Like?
Coyotes are part of the dog family, which includes wolves, jackals, foxes, and your everyday family dog. You can tell if the animal you see is a coyote or just a domesticated dog by checking for a few features. Coyotes have pointed and erect ears. They also have a drooping tail that they hold below their back while they run. The coloration of a coyote’s upper parts ranges from grayish brown to yellowish gray. Their throats and bellies are white, and their long tails have a black tip.
Coyote Behavior
Coyotes are carnivorous, meaning their diet is primarily meat-based. They typically hunt and eat small mammals such as squirrels, rabbits, and mice. However, they can and will eat almost anything, including human trash and household pets. Coyotes are nocturnal predators but can occasionally be seen in daylight. They are also fast runners and can reach speeds of up to 40 miles an hour! Unlike wolves who form packs, coyotes usually hunt individually or in pairs and small groups. Like most animals, coyotes live longer in captivity (18 years) than in the wild (10 years).
Coyote Prevention
If you are seeing coyotes on or around your property, the time to act is now. While they are unlikely to attack humans, they pose a serious threat to household pets. Recently in Buena Park, CA, a coyote entered a home through a doggy door and attacked two family dogs, killing one. Clearly, coyote sightings are not to be taken lightly. One way to get rid of coyotes is to cut off their food sources. You can do this by feeding your own pets inside, securing your trash cans, and putting up a fence around your gardens. Since rodents are a big part of coyote diets, you can discourage coyotes by controlling your rodent population. By setting up traps and cleaning up food sources, you can help keep rodents at bay and therefore coyotes. If you keep your yard well-maintained, you can limit the places in which coyotes can take shelter. Keep your grass cut short and trim your bushes and trees. Coyotes will not feel safe in a yard without adequate shelter where they are visible and will likely end up leaving altogether.
Wildlife Control Services in San Bernardino, Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside & San Diego Counties, California
Coyotes can carry diseases such as rabies. If you are having a hard time discouraging coyotes from setting up camp on your property, contact Animal Pest Management Services Inc. We will ensure peace of mind and safety for you and your family. Call us today!